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盛诺科·产品优点 Shaneok· Advantages
牢 固::全部结构的部件都是由可以达到钢铁硬度的高精级铝合金制成,具有很强的牢固性。
Fastness: All structural components are made of high-precision aluminum alloy that can achieve steel hardness and is highly robust.
隔 音:透光墙体有精密的结构,中空玻璃,实体墙配以高科技的隔音材料,可以达到比砖墙更好的隔间效果。
Sound insulation: The transparent wall has a precise structure, hollow glass, solid wall with high-tech sound insulation material, can achieve better compartment effect than brick wall.
密 封:铝型材尺度恒定,内有胶条密封,结构配合性好。
Sealing: The aluminum profile is constant in size, sealed inside the strip, and has good structural fit.
防 火:隔断材料没有可燃品,安全。
Fire protection: The partition material is not flammable and safe.
环 保:铝合金与玻璃结构,无辐射,不含甲醛、笨等有害物质。
Environmental protection: aluminum alloy and glass structure, no radiation, no formaldehyde, stupid and other harmful substances.
Reuse: can be combined, reloadable, 100% recombination.
Replaceable: The color of the partition can be changed according to the customer's needs, and the orientation of the installation.
Short construction period: fast installation speed, saving time and cost for the owner.
Sturdy material: 80, 100mm thickness, good stability.
Low maintenance cost: The main structure is aluminum alloy material, no rust, and maintenance-free for life.
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