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门系列 Shaneok Door Series 您现在的位置:首页 >> 门系列
盛诺科门系列 Shaneok Door Series
The door series of Shaneok products consists of aluminum alloy door frame and a variety of matching door pages and hardware accessories. The reasonable connection between the aluminum alloy door frame and the partition profile makes the partition wall and the door sill integrated, which greatly enhances the stability of the door. And the security of the partition.
门扇种类(Door type):
木饰门、无框钢化玻璃门、有框钢化玻璃门、地弹簧门、移门。(Wood door, frameless tempered glass door, framed tempered glass door, floor spring door, sliding door.)
配  件(Accessories):
Depending on the type of door, we specialize in the hardware of wooden doors and glass door hinges, locks, and floor spring doors.
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